Harry’s House: Hilarious images show heartbroken wife replacing husband with Harry Styles in wedding pics

A HEARTBROKEN wife has found her smile again after her husband walked out on her – by replacing him with Harry Styles in their wedding photos.

Cheryl Ellen from Plymouth, Devon was shocked when her husband packed his bags and walked out of the family home almost two months ago.

The 32-year-old was left bereft and was planning on removing and burning all photos of estranged husband Ben before her friend Clair intervened.

Cheryl Ellen with Harry Styles wedding photos.

The next door neighbour turned artist to surprise Cheryl over the weekend with the results being shown on social media yesterday.

Images show Cheryl and Ben on their big day accompanied by their daughter sat having a wedding photo taken.

However, Ben has been replaced by a relaxed looking Harry Styles who leans into Cheryl in the picture taking the place of her soon-to-be ex-husband.

An image underneath shows several pictures with the word family in the middle but Ben is nowhere to be seen having been as various images of Harry Styles adorn the pictures instead.

Cheryl shared the artwork to social media yesterday writing: “My husband left me seven weeks ago, I asked my best friend to take down my wedding pics.

“I asked my best friend to take down my wedding pics and she’s replaced my husband with Harry Styles, safe to say he didn’t find it funny but I love it.”

The post has been liked by more than 11,000 social media users and received hundreds of comments from supportive viewers.

One wrote: “Wouldn’t it be great if Harry Styles sees this and does a photo shoot with you so you can replace all these photos with official ones. Fingers crossed.”

Another said: “With friends like this, who needs s**t (ex) husbands.”

A third replied: “He didn’t find it funny” sounds like a HIM problem. Good for you, whatever helps even a little, I say.”

Another added: “Fantastic idea. Since my ex left me 1 year 8 months ago I haven’t even been able to look at the old photos. This may be my project for the future lol. Think Jonny Depp might be my option.”

Another replied: “I think he lost the privilege of having an opinion as soon as he walked out.”

Speaking today Cheryl from Plymouth, Devon said: “I text my best friend (who happens to live next door) and asked if she could take down my wedding photos.

“She popped round on Thursday and took them down and said you look too beautiful for them to come down so she nipped home and came back with her Harry Styles calendar and started cutting his face out and sellotaping the pictures to the frames.

“I just thought she was gonna take the wedding photos out and burn them so it was a nice surprise.

“It made my day, Clair has been a very special friend for the last three years and has been very supportive.

“But her doing this when I was feeling really low, has made the situation a bit easier and I did find it really funny.

“When my ex saw it he was saying how its really disrespectful and not funny, but mine and Harry’s wedding photos are still there.”

“Our daughter has seen them and loves them. My stepson hasn’t seen them yet.

“We are very big Harry Styles fans. He is just a very handsome man. He seems to be a very lovely man, very down to earth and he has the voice of an angel. We play his songs daily via Alexa or Youtube.

“He left on August 6th. I have the divorce papers in the kitchen I just need to find time to fill them in and file them.

“My dad is glad the photos are replaced and my other friends and family love it and think its a brilliant idea.

“Ben never gave a proper reason for leaving, he just said that he was only with me for the kids.

“Since he left he has said its for his mental health and his health due to a lot of epileptic seizures. So I’m not 100% sure why he left me.”

“I was heartbroken for about two weeks but I then realised it was for the best and we should have split up three ago.

“The photos made me realise that there is someone out there for me who will realise my worth and treat me how I deserve to be treated.”


